Did you know that more than 160 top colleges and universities partner with College Greenlight to recruit and enroll high-achieving, first-generation, and traditionally underrepresented students?

College Greenlight’s partner colleges include more than half of the top 100 colleges in the country, as measured by the most popular college ranking lists. Participating college includes private institutions like Princeton, YaleUniversity of ChicagoStanfordDukeWilliamsAmherstSwarthmoreCornell, and NYU, as well as public universities, such as University of MichiganUniversity of FloridaTexas A&MPurdueUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignGeorgia Tech, and four University of California campuses.

Colleges across the country have partnered with College Greenlight as a new way to recruit and enroll first-generation and underrepresented minority students to their campuses. Through the College Greenlight platform, colleges send customized messages to students who meet their recruitment parameters, creating new interest from students who might not have been aware of their institution or thought that the school was out of their reach academically or financially.

The College Greenlight platform combats the underrepresentation of first-generation, low-income and minority students on college campuses by providing free access to comprehensive college and scholarship search tools and resources to close the information gap. Since College Greenlight’s launch in 2012, more than 1,300 college access programs, community-based organizations (CBOs), and schools dedicated to supporting low-income students “to and through college” have signed up to utilize the platform. College Greenlight boasts a student base of more than 300,000 students who have registered to find colleges that match their talents and potential, as well as scholarships to fund their education.

College Greenlight’s college partners also leverage its nationwide network of college access organizations to build partnerships that can become pipelines of diverse talent. Colleges around the country are seeking to build more organizational partnerships but often don’t have the time or information to find groups that are working with the right students for that institution. By utilizing College Greenlight’s resources and tools, admissions departments can make connections with “fit” organizations, bringing more talented first-generation and low-income students to the campuses of colleges that want to recruit and support them.

College Greenlight colleges can further streamline the college admissions process for the first-generation and underrepresented students who use College Greenlight by accepting the Greenlight Scholars Application.

To learn more about becoming a College Greenlight college partner or to learn how College Greenlight can support your first-generation and low-income students, please contact the College Greenlight Team.